CALLAS Consulting




“By 2030, everyone will have a personal brand. The time to build it is now”


It is the tool to establish and consolidate who you are. To communicate what you stand for, what you believe in and what you are capable of. In career and in life.

Having a Personal Brand today means making your debut in society. It means being recognized as an expert in a particular field. It means having an audience that follows you and that trusts you, what you offer.

If you don't have it, you practically don't exist.


You start seeing them more and more often around you. You see them on Facebook, YouTube, Linkedin, on TV and on any other platform. You see them when you are looking for information, for advice, for a service, for a product, or for a review on the internet. When you ask Google a question.

You see them when you listen to an expert. When you are interested in a topic and you follow someone who talks about it. When you want to go on vacation and consult someone who has already done that trip.

They are already everywhere.


Creating your own Personal Brand allows you to become a reference point on the market, both to sell your products or your services, and to recommend those of others. It is used to increase the exposure of your professionalism or your company.

It is the last frontier of professional marketing. It’s essential to take that step forward you are looking for, or to take the first one.

Once created, your business will never be the same again.


  • To monetize your skills and personality
  • To expand your network
  • To ask for higher prices
  • To attract more customers
  • To decontextualize your profession
  • To make you authoritative in your market
  • To create relationships that last and follow you
  • To make your social networks profitable
  • To increase your prestige


You can use it to sell your services or products, or as an integral part of today's business marketing strategies.

What do you love + What you do best + What your market demands + Strategy & Structure = Money


Whether you are a Professional, Freelance or Entrepreneur, creating your own brand is definitely the right choice.

Professionals create it because they are the face of their professionalism.

Entrepreneurs build it to increase the exposure of their companies.

Steve jobs

Steve Jobs

Elon Musk

Elon Musk

Gary Vee

Gary Vee

Oprah Winfrey

Oprah Winfrey

Sean Ogle

Sean Ogle

Danny Iny

Danny Iny

Jeff Goins

Jeff Goins

Neil Patel

Neil Patel

Mark Manson

Mark Manson

Carol Tice

Carol Tice

Seth Godin

Seth Godin

Lolly Daskal

Lolly Dascal

Kim Garst

Kim Garst


The strategic solution for your professional and business problems. A package designed structure your personal brand. To highlight your strengths and enhance your online presence.

With Callas Profile you can manage your profile with the same mechanics of corporate strategic branding and reach your customers with the best marketing strategies.

It is meant to help you attract your audience and manage your community. To increase your credibility, your reputation and your authority.

Basic Profile Icon


Ross Mobile Phone


A professional Callas Profile designed for those who understand how today's society works and want to be part of it at its best.

  • Domain
  • E-mail
  • Site
    • Presentation page + flip
    • Contact page with direct action
    • In-depth page
    • Products and services page
  • Typography
  • Graphic editing
  • Guide to Inbound Marketing
    • A guide to the marketing strategy that have made many companies and professionals famous.
Basic Profile Icon


Ross Mobile Phone
Bussiness Card
Bussiness Card


A Callas Profile designed for a professional. For those who know that the future is on the internet and want a strong digital presence.

  • Domain
  • E-mail
  • Sito
    • Presentation page + flip
    • Contact page with direct action
    • In-depth page
    • Professional presentation page
    • Page with dynamic CV on Timeline
    • Products and services page
  • Typography
  • Graphic editing
  • Brand identity
  • Logo
  • Guide to Inbound Marketing
    • A guide to the marketing strategy that have made many companies and professionals famous.

Let's go together through the discovery process.

We understand who you are, what you are competent in, what professional personality you have and what market you are placed in.

We build your image, your visual ecosystem, your site. We characterize the experience a user lives by encountering you, your brand and your values.

Basic Profile Icon


Ross Mobile Phone
Bussiness Card
Bussiness Card


A Callas Profile designed for those who are already known and established in their sector. For those who need a complete tool to reach the top, the real one.

  • Domain
  • E-mail
  • Sito
    • Presentation page + flip
    • Contact page with direct action
    • In-depth page
    • Professional presentation page
    • Page with dynamic CV on Timeline
    • Office and Company page
    • More product and service pages
  • Typography
  • Graphic editing
  • Brand positioning
  • Brand strategy
  • Brand identity
  • Logo
  • Personalized marketing strategy
    • A marketing strategy created by us, tailored for you.

Let's go through the discovery process together.

We understand who you are, what you are competent in, what professional personality you have and what market you are placed in. We analyze your competitors and your audience, comparing your strengths, your weaknesses, your opportunities and your threats.

We work the data. We create the solutions you need. We blend them with art.

We develop your positioning. We create the brand strategy based on the demographic and psychographic data of your users.

We build your image, your visual ecosystem, we characterize your message and your tone, your communication and related channels, your site. We define the experience a user lives by encountering you, your brand and your values.

Basic profile

Solve your professional problems and reach your goals, like never.

Callas Profile ™ is designed to give you everything you need to be competitive in the digital world. All-in-one solution.

Fill in the fields to receive all the information and insights you are looking for.

Discover the details, offers, prices and case studies.

Find out which one is best suited to your needs.

Scopri qual è quello più adatto alle tue esigenze.

Advanced profile

Solve your professional problems and reach your goals, like never.

Callas Profile ™ is designed to give you everything you need to be competitive in the digital world. All-in-one solution.

Fill in the fields to receive all the information and insights you are looking for.

Discover the details, offers, prices and case studies.

Find out which one is best suited to your needs.

Scopri qual è quello più adatto alle tue esigenze.

Premium profile

Solve your professional problems and reach your goals, like never.

Callas Profile ™ is designed to give you everything you need to be competitive in the digital world. All-in-one solution.

Fill in the fields to receive all the information and insights you are looking for.

Discover the details, offers, prices and case studies.

Find out which one is best suited to your needs.

Scopri qual è quello più adatto alle tue esigenze.